Tuesday 25 September 2012

Creating Our White Location

This video displays a way in which a white background can be created, similarly to what we need to have. The budget and euipment shown in the video may be a little higher and professional to what we have access to however from seing this we now have an insight of how we could create one on our resoruces and budget. For example before we were considering a white sheet background or a white paint on ply wood, but now I would be more inclined to use paper rolls as this is easier to light and has a sharper line to it with no creases. In terms of lighting between the two of us we believe that we have access to enough light sources but we may wish to additionaly hire or borrow a higher watted and better quality lighting system to create a clean and bold 'zone 1'. As we have not yet created this white location,it has not been possible to take location shots as yet.

1 comment:

  1. Michael and Charlie

    A bit more 'depth' is required in your posts. By that I mean don't simply assume we know your thoughts, explain everything. The post which contains a pic of your artist doesn't explain why you think he's suitable, why he'd appeal to your target audience, what you'll have to do in order to make him look right.

    Similarly all the conversations we've had in class about locations, problems, solutions etc need to be logged on here. The exam board can't just take my word for it that you are considering asking the woman three doors down for a go in her ambulance etc.

    A few more random shots from other texts which inspire you would help, if we're looking at insanity then it gets no better than this


    Be magpies, bring your inspiration from everywhere and put it on here.

    Charlie, up you game, Michael is posting more than you.
